Before I reveal these healthier drinking habits to are some things about alcohol dietary wise that you may not be aware of...
- The calories that come out of alcohol are empty calories. Empty calories mean that they have no nutritional value whatsoever, so have no benefits. (apart from the exception of red wine and it's antioxidants - in moderation of course)
- When you consume alcohol your body will work hard to get rid of it as it can't store it. This causes all the other processes (such as burning fat and absorbing nutrients) to be interrupted and delayed.
- Alcohol contains 7 calories a gram which is almost the same as pure fat
- One lolly drink (eg. Cruisers and those other popular pre-mixed drinks) can take up to 4 hours of cardio to burn off
- One drink of ciber is equivalent to eating one sugary, fat filled donut.
- Fat gain in those who drink excessively has largely got to do with the poor dietary behaviours that being intoxicated brings...basically it's all the junk that people eat in conjunction with drinking that is a massive reason for weight gain.
- Alcohol is obviously extremely calorie and energy dense. If you're going to binge, be prepared to work it off and pay for it the next day. Although, no exercise can work of the internal damage excessive consumption of alcohol does to your body.
- Before you go for those sugary, girly, fruity alcoholic drinks...just check the kilojoules on them first. You'll be shocked. Sometimes, I assure you you're probably better of having a meal or two at a fast food place rather than having a night out on lolly drinks.
IN A LIGHTER for those alternatives I promised.Firstly, I'll tell you a bit about my drinking habits. I already do not drink very often because I don't particularly enjoy it all that much and often find I have a better time in the absence of alcohol. When I do drink, it's probably once every one or two months, and if so it's not very much. At a party, you'll always see me walking around with a bottle of straight vodka. I drink straight vodka because it basically has zero carbs, thus extremely low in calories compared to other choices. I also, surprisingly enjoy it! I usually mix it with lime soda water/plain soda water with a slice of lemon and ice...or if I'm feeling cheeky I'll mix it with some OJ or iced tea. Yes, ice tea is full of sugar but if it's homemade it's far better for you AND still better than most other drinks.
- Other alcoholic drinks that contain zero carbs are your straight gins, rum, scotch, whiskey and tequila. STRAIGHT is always the way to go if you're training and don't want to consume something high in calories. If you can't stand it though, as said earlier mixing it will soda water or any other low-calorie mixers is the way to go. They're refreshing and still do the job.
- I have also read in numerous places that some wines are the better calorie friendly choice as they lack cholesterol and fat. I suggest to still steer clear from the fortified, sweet wines if you have intention on binging as they're much higher in calories.
- LIGHT beers will drop your calorie intake without dropping much flavour as one light beer will typically have 108 calories per serving whereas ale or lager will have up to 216 calories per serving
ALWAYS REMEMBER, dehydration is a major factor in causing that nasty hangover the day after. Always drink a whole lot of water either during or after drinking as alcohol causes insane dehydration and water retention (causing that blotting look and feel)
I really hoped this helps in one way or another. Be happy, be healthy! xx
I really hoped this helps in one way or another. Be happy, be healthy! xx
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