Friday, April 5


This week I've been newly introduced to grapefruit juice. My brother warned me about the taste but I thought it wouldn't be so horrible that I couldn't stand it - I was wrong. It's extremely bitter and almost unbearable so I diluted it with water and ice. I've been sipping on it for a couple of days now and it has finally grown on me, which I'm so grateful for because the health benefits from them are insane!
  • Grapefruit helps in losing weight - they contain large amounts of enzymes that burn fat and have a high water content, essentially increasing your metabolism and helping your complexion. 
  • They're high in fibre helping with digestion and high in vitamin C, helping with the prevention of colds 
  • Grapefruit reduce the feeling of hunger  and keep you fuller for longer.
  • Grapefruit give you a great refreshing feeling, helping with fatigue! 
  • They can also assist with insomnia as they promote a healthy and sweet sleep. 

Alike anything else, too much grapefruit can be bad for you as they're extremely acidic and have about 100 calories per fruit (which isn't horrible, just don't go overboard)

So far, I've only tried the "Berri' brand of grapefruit juice. Next time though I'm going to try freshly squeezing some myself because I find that every tastes better squeezed at home :D. The kind-of-gross taste of grapefruit is definitely worth getting passed though...your body will love you for it.


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