Monday, April 22

Q! #2

I don't know what my calorie intake is because I don't calorie count. A lot of people would probably find this strange or argue it, but I'm almost against calorie counting. Yes, it may be beneficial physically eg. if you're over weight and looking for a healthier lifestyle BUT (from experience) it can really be damaging mentally. When I attempted to calorie count for a while it really screwed with my head. I could feel myself becoming obsessive with what I was inputting and outputting, which I don't view to be healthy at all. When a family member ho could relate noticed so did I, so I stopped completely. I judge my health on how I feel, lack of sickness/illness, how my clothes fit and what my family members tell me!

Everyone is different though, so don't let my response discourage you or anyone. I'm just stating why I'm against it.

ASK me more questions of for advice if need be, I'm here to help - links are provided on my blogspot

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